PCB Board Prototype

our services
PCB Board Prototype
Wingate Electronic Sdn. Bhd. is the PCB manufacturer with a fast reaction. We offer rapid PCB prototyping services for quick-turn PCB at high quality and low cost.
A good prototype helps you to ensure you have the right design before you start a full production run to avoid costly errors. We are the company that you can rely on.
Benefits of Prototype Circuits Boards
Why you need a circuit prototype before your full-production run?
- Rapidly test and correct designs if there is any mistake
- Potentially detect any design flaw In the early stage
- Save Money and reduce risk
- Benefit from lower production tolerances
- Professional Team

Order PCB Prototype Online?
PCB prototyping is the best practice method used world-wide
to verify the quality of a design before proceeding.
** Free PCB Prototype quotation is just a click away.